Social connection matters for your health
"We need to prioritize our social relationships
like our life depends on it, because it does."
- Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad
Dr. Holt-Lunstad’s TEDx talk
Social isolation and loneliness are significant predictors of long-term health outcomes. In this talk, Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad describes the vital importance of social relationships for lasting health. Her research about the impact of social connection on health outcomes has been highly cited, most notably the discovery that a lack of social connection is comparable to smoking up to 15 cigarettes per day. She describes her research including data from more than 300,000 participants worldwide, and additional supporting evidence. Dr. Holt-Lunstad emphasizes the critical importance for organizations, businesses, governments, and individuals to prioritize their social relationships.
Media feature highlights:
Social Connection & Health: Evidence
Dr. Holt-Lunstad has found strong evidence that having more and better relationships is associated with better health while fewer and poorer quality relationships is associated with poorer health. This is true regardless of gender, age, or geography; people who are more socially connected live longer. Lacking social connection significantly increases risk of heart attack, stroke and type II diabetes. Social isolation slows wound healing, increases risk of dementia and Alzheimers and even increases the rate of cellular aging.
Air pollution increases your risk of early death by 5%, obesity by 18%, physical inactivity (not exercising) by 22%. Loneliness increases your risk of early death by 26%. (Holt-Lunstad, 2015 & 2010)